It was a wet and rainy day and I had just made it to King’s Cross
train station. My next train was not due for another hour, so I
decided to get a cup of tea. Responding to my
request for a cup of tea, the lady at the counter
asked, ‘Do you want a black and white tea?’ At
this point, the two other ladies at the counter broke out in laughter. Looking perplexed, the
lady serving me wondered what has gone wrong until her colleague
repeated ‘black and white tea!’ It then dawned on her. She had said
‘black and white tea’ instead of ‘black or white tea’. She then joined in the
At one time or another we have found ourselves in similar situations.
We were sincere in our efforts but have got it wrong! This reminded
me of 14 year old Joe, who after lunch one afternoon mistakenly put
some dirty dishes in the fridge together with the salad cream and
cheese. When his mum later discovered this, his siblings burst out in
laughter. Indeed it is only human to err.
Our very best efforts seem to be dogged by our human weakness. In
addition, we often allow our weaknesses to develop to self
indulgence in some areas. We say to ourselves, ‘I know I should not
be doing this’, but we go ahead to do it anyway. Our continual self
indulgence gradually dulls our conscience and things we once hated,
we begin to accept as norm. This leads to all sorts of compromises,
under the excuse of ‘it is only human to err’ or ‘everyone else does it
anyway.’ We become self deluded and this gradually erodes our
inner peace and creates a sense of moral degradation. To some
degree, we become a shadow of our true self as we cannot look
straight into the eyes of those we have cheated or lied to.
A fundamental point which many of us may not realise is that God
has made provision for self indulgencies. This is how it is put in Psalm
103:10 & 14. ‘God does not punish us for all our shortcomings; He
does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For He knows how
weak we are; He remembers we are only dust.’ God responds to our
situation with great love. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the
earth; He was tempted just as we have been and therefore able to
sympathise with us. Above all, He died to secure our freedom. ‘For
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John
3:16). God is not holding our failures against us but offers us
forgiveness and life through His Son. This life fills us with inner
strength to begin to overcome our self indulgencies.
This places a serious responsibility upon us. We have the option to
be sincere, acknowledge our self indulgencies before God and accept
His offer of forgiveness. The other option is for us to continue in our
self deceit, refuse to face up to our self indulgencies. This is how the
bible expresses it: “God’s light has come into the world but we have
rejected it because we love our darkness and our actions are evil”
(John 3:19). Indeed how sad it is if we make this latter choice!
However, you can respond positively to God and give Him the
opportunity by praying this from your heart.
‘God, forgive me of all my sins and failures because of the death of
Jesus on the cross. Come into my life Lord Jesus to save me and be
my Lord.’
If you have prayed this prayer from your heart, then you have taken
the most important decision in your life. It will be useful if you can
contact us at the address below and/or join an active, bible believing