2 Kings 5: 1-14
The story of Naaman.
a) The little girl (maid) stating what God can do. We are
to talk about Jesus to other children and grown ups too.
b) Note Naaman's anger at Elisha’s instruction to go and wash seven times.
We may not understand why God tells us certain things at the time, but we are to
The question, why? does
not always apply because we may not understand everything
about God.
c) Benefits of obedience.
Naaman’s obeyed and he was healed. Need for us to obey.
d) Naaman listened to the seventh advice. We are to listen to people who advise us to do the
word of God.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 1:19
“If you be willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land.”