“The aim of this section is to demonstrate that at times we disobey and we wish to
illustrate what happens when we go our own way.”
Luke 15: 11-17
The prodigal son went his own way, what happened to him?
a) Hungry (verse 17)
b) Want (Verse 14)
c) Labourer (Became tail not head)
d) No friends
“Relate these as contrasts to blessing of obedience studied in previous lessons.”
“The Bible says we all have gone our own way.” (Romans 3: 23)
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
“Give example – we are at times naughty, disobey our parent, fight with toys etc.”
Memory Verse:
Romans 3:23
"End lesson by saying when we go our way, God does not like it, (does not please
God), what must we do then? Next lesson we will learn what to do.”